Gospel Glimpses: Jesus in the Old Testament

Here at La Jolla Pres., we want to see lives transformed through a relationship with Jesus. One way we witness that is by sharing God’s Story, and equipping you to share His story as well. We strive for sermons that are informative, applicable, inviting and transformative.

Throughout the Old Testament we read about events and signs and stories that point to Jesus. Jesus’ story does not begin with his birth. He has been there from the very beginning as the gospel of John makes clear. Join us this winter as we take a look at where we see glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament. 

ScriptureSermon ThemeGrowth Group QuestionsWatchListen
Genesis 3:1-15, Romans 5:12-17 The First and Second AdamGrowth Group QuestionsVideoAudio
Genesis 22:1-14God Will ProvideGrowth Group QuestionsVideoAudio
Genesis 28:10-20God Comes DownGrowth Group QuestionsVideoAudio
Genesis 32:22-31 Clinging to the PromiseGrowth Group QuestionsVideoAudio
Exodus 3:1-17 Rescued to Worship Growth Group QuestionsVideoAudio
Exodus 25:1-9, John 1:14-18 God in Our MidstGrowth Group QuestionsVideoAudio
Ruth 1:1-8, Ruth 1:16-2:10, Ruth 2:17-20 Everlasting LoveGrowth Group QuestionsVideoAudio