During this time of “Social Distancing” and Corona-19 precautions, La Jolla Pres is committed to keeping you involved in our community. One of the ways we work towards these goals is by leveraging technology to cast a wider net. Here is a list of resources where you can get informed, inspired, and encouraged.
If you find yourself, or someone you know, needing assistance please let us know by emailing connect@ljpres.org or visiting the special “Connect” page here. There are Elders, Deacons and College Students who are willing and able to assist you.
Online Worship
ljpres.org/live: We have suspended in person Sunday morning services until April 6th, but we’re still worshiping together online at 8:45, 10:00 and 11:00am. You can learn more here.
ljpres.org: The website is the hub of church communications. Almost everything can be found there. Visitor information, calendar, overviews of ministries, media, and online giving.
ljpres.events: This separate website is for signing up, and making online payments, for special large all church events such as retreats or the 4th of July bar-b-que. Many of these events are currently on hold, but we’ll update these resources as information becomes available.
SunHouseOnline.com: All things Youth. Keep up to date with High School and Middle School ministries, camps, special events, and special announcements.
Social Media
Facebook: We’d love to connect on Facebook.
Instagram: Fun behind the scenes pictures and personalities.
Twitter: Stay up to date
Youth Social Media Accounts
SunHouseOnline.com: All things Youth. Keep up to date with High School and Middle School ministries, camps, special events, and special announcements.
@sunhousemsm – middle school
@sunhousehsm – high school
Middle School tiktok
@sunhousemsm – middle school
La Jolla Pres App: Available for Apple, Android and Google phones and tablets, it features bulletins, calendars, service live stream/recordings, and growth group curriculum.
Weekly email blast: Want a weekly dose of ministry in your inbox? Get a preview of next Sunday’s bulletin, the weekly highlights, and the music we’ll hear in worship.
Additional Email Blasts: There are additional email blasts that go out on a regular basis. If you are interested in receiving emails about Elementary, Middle School, High School Programs, Clippers (singles and couples 50 and over), Good Company (Couples and singles in their 50s – 70s), or Young Married Couples (Couples in their 20s – 40s), email newsletter@ljpres.org.
Live Stream: You can watch all three services live on Sunday mornings.
Worship Videos: You can watch past 8:45am services, in their entirety.
Video Archive: This is the complete video channel, with all videos from the 8:45am service, the 10:00 service, plus additional content.
Sermon podcast recordings: Just the sermon, and just audio. This is a great option for listening on the go, or during a workout. Listen on iTunes here, or get the RSS feed here.
#MomLife podcast: Cynthia Blase, our director of Women’s Ministry, hosts a weekly podcast geared to encouraging young moms. Cynthia holds great conversations with moms in our community, with some advice, some encouragement, and a bit of humor.
Women’s Bible Study: Cynthia is also leading and recording a women’s Bible Study. You can listen and subscribe to the recording here. We’ve also archived last year’s Bible Study, “The Story” here.