Here at La Jolla Pres., we want to see lives transformed through a relationship with Jesus. One way we witness that is by sharing God’s Story, and equipping you to share His story as well. We strive for sermons that are informative, applicable, inviting and transformative.
Our Sermon Series for Spring 2022 is focused on Prayer and What Jesus Says About Prayer
The gospel of Luke emphasizes the prayer life of Jesus more than any of the synoptic gospels. We see Jesus in prayer at least nine times and we also get to listen in as he teaches about prayer. Soren Kierkegaard has said, “the function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays”. Join us this spring as we consider what we can learn from Jesus about prayer and how we can be a people who integrate prayer into our daily lives.
Scripture | Sermon Title | Speaker | GG | Watch | Listen |
5/1 | Luke 11:1-4 | A Lesson in Prayer | Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham | Week 1 | Video | Audio |
5/8 | Luke 11:5-13 | Why Prayer is Essential | Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham | Week 2 | Video | Audio |
5/15 | Luke 18:1-8 | Persevering in Prayer | Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham | Week 3 | Video | Audio |
5/22 | Luke 18:9-14 | Where Prayer Begins | Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham | Week 4 | Video | Audio |
On May 29th (Memorial Day weekend) and June 5th we’ll spend two weeks looking at the Holy Spirit. Followed by a more in depth look at the book of Philippians this Summer.