Current Sermon Series

Here at La Jolla Pres., we want to see lives transformed through a relationship with Jesus. One way we witness that is by sharing God’s Story, and equipping you to share His story as well. We strive for sermons that are informative, applicable, inviting and transformative.

Look Around

During the summer we will take a look at some texts that will help us to “see” what Jesus saw when he engaged with the world around him. Through interactions with people and in the telling of stories and parables, Jesus shows us what we should be “looking for” as we live out our faith.

Date Scripture Sermon Title Speaker Watch Listen

Mark 6:30-44

No Ordinary Meal

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Luke 19:1-10

Seeing Through The Trees

Jere Lester and Noel Musicha​ Video Audio

Mark 10:17-27

A Look Of Love

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Mark 3:31-35

A Redefining Look

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

John 2:1-11

Do Whatever He Says

Rev. Scott Mitchell Video Audio

John 4:31-38

Time Is Of The Essence

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Matthew 25:31-46

When Did We See You…?

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Luke 9:57-62

Don’t Look Back

Rev. Chad Fransen Video Audio

John 7:28-39

Looking For Jesus

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Mark 3:1-6

A Setup On The Sabbath

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Luke 15:1-10

The God Who Goes Looking

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Matthew 13:44-46

Looking For The Kingdom Of Heaven

Cynthia Blase Video Audio

Acts 1:1-11

One Last Look

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio