Pastor Scott’s November 2020 Devotion
Here is Pastor Scott’s November 2020 devotion of Spiritual encouragement. Download it here
1. Faith & Wellness Panel Discussion: Thursday, November 12th, 5:30 pm, on ZOOM. Monarch Cottage of La Jolla is hosting a ZOOM virtual panel discussion entitled, The Faith and Wellness Connection. Three experts from UCSD and Pastor Scott Mitchell will lead this discussion/Q & A time, centering on the deep connections between faith, mental health and overall wellness. Contact Pastor Scott at scottm@ljpres.org for more information, or RSVP direct to Bobi Thomas at Monarch Cottage: (619) 990-1307 or bthomas@monarchcottages.net.
2. Surviving The Holidays (Holiday Grief Class): Wednesday, November 18th: 4pm, on ZOOM. The holiday season is especially tough when we are grieving the loss of loved one. In this ZOOM class, led by Pastor Scott Mitchell, we will lift each other up amid our shared loss, and explore ways in which the Lord can guard us and guide us graciously through a suddenly altered season. To receive ZOOM detailsor RSVP by phone, dial (858) 729-5500 or email to either Kristy Johnson (kristyj@ljpres.org)or Jennifer Zoni (jenniferz@ljpres.org)by November 17th.
3. Blue Christmas: Friday, December 4th: If you have lost a loved one recently, and you need God’s grace, strength and consolation during the holidays and amid the pandemic, we invite you to gather with us for a Blue Christmas Service of Remembrance. Join us on Friday, December 4, at 3 pm for a time to remember and celebrate the life of family or friends you have lost over the past year or so. This Service of Remembrance is IN-PERSON in the Church Sanctuary. Please feel welcome to bring a family member or friend–but do let us know, so that we can plan ahead. Masks and social distancing are required. RSVP by phone–(858) 729-5500–or email to either Kristy Johnson (kristyj@ljpres.org)or Jennifer Zoni (jenniferz@ljpres.org)by December 2th. Also, make sure you give us the NAME of your loved one.
1. DivorceCare Class: Starts Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 6:30-8:00pm, via ZOOM, so keep your eyes open for future information.DivorceCareis a support group designed to offer the help and guidance one needs while going through the transition of divorce or separation. Built around a 13-week curriculum, this weekly class will be led by Certified Life Coach and Divorce Recovery Mentor, India Kern. Cost is $20, which includes materials. Contact India Kern at connect@indiakern.com.
2. GriefShare Class: In 2021, every Thursday for 13 weeks, starting January 21st, 3:30-5:00pm, on ZOOM. Especially during the pandemic, our GriefShare class is designed to help those working through personal grief from the loss of a loved one. This virtual class will be led by Pastor Scott Mitchell, and will enable participants to learn, share, and walk together during this unique season in life. Cost is $25 for materials. RSVP by phone–(858) 729-5500–or email to either Kristy Johnson (kristyj@ljpres.org)or Jennifer Zoni (jenniferz@ljpres.org).
3. Family-to-Family Mental Health Support Class:Beginning in March 2021, LJPC is joining withNAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)to offer another 12-week Family-to-Family mental health support class via ZOOM.Led by two experienced facilitators, the class is designed to be a supporting resource to family members, significant others or friends of people with mental health conditions. NAMI is a wonderful resource for any mental health information you may want or concerns you may have. You can reach out to them at nami.org. Look for more information to come on the LJPC website in early 2021.
1. Growing In Prayer: ZOOM meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of the month, 5:30pm. Pastor Scott Mitchell and Sharon Balch facilitate this class for anyone who wants to join others in prayer, as well as discover how to pray more effectively. Currently we’re watching a series of videos from The School of Healing Prayer, presented by Francis and Judith MacNutt. For further information, contact by phone–(858) 729-5500–or email to either Kristy Johnson (kristyj@ljpres.org)or Jennifer Zoni (jenniferz@ljpres.org).
2. Sunrise of HOPE Mental Health SummitVIDEOS: During these strange days of the COVID-19 pandemic, should you need encouragement and guidance about your own mental health or that of a loved one or friend, go to ljpres.org/sunriseofhope2019. Here you will find three videos given by Kay Warren of Saddleback Community Church at our 2019 Sunrise of Hope Mental Health Summit. As well, you will find two videos given by LJPC member, author and neurosurgeon, Dr. David Levy, entitled Fear in Crisis: Part I—Help for Anxiety, & Part 2—Overcoming Anxiety.
3. COVID-19 Mental Health Relief: In partnership with the Center for Enriching Relationships in Mission Valley, we are including a link to the blog of Grayson Wallen. This blog (to which you can subscribe—it’s free) offers a variety of topics to give you helpful tools for navigating the mental health issues so many face daily and especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Contact gwallen@cersandiego.org for more information.

What To Do When You Are Alone of Feeling Lonely – by Grayson Wallen
Our friend Grayson Wallen, whose blog is mentioned above, shared this wonderful practical advice on coping with the loneliness of this season with a Biblical perspective and five easy steps.