“Caring Enough to Send Your Very Best”

“Without caring, there is no community.” (Anon.)  I discovered this quote a few years ago while preparing to eulogize a friend, who had died in a tragic accident.  My friend had served tirelessly supporting many community causes, never seeking recognition, but motivated always by a passion for making his hometown a better place.  Such passion exemplified for me how caring can create and sustain authentic community.

Many “communities” are based more in shared needs (car-pool groups) or experiences (passionate sports fans) than in caring.  Such “communities” may enrich our lives, but they struggle to give or receive care.  Caring takes many forms, but in true community, care finds expression through acts of mutual support and service.

The Church is founded in an extraordinarily caring act – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  (John 3:16 NIV)   To paraphrase Hallmark Card’s motto, God indeed “cared enough to send His Very Best.”  As a result, we are called together into community so that we might pay-forward that care with acts of love and service.  For me, the operative word here is “we” – each of us are called to do our part to reclaim a broken world for Christ.

Dear God – Help us use this Lenten season to rekindle our wonder at Your awesome care for each of us and to rededicate ourselves to being a community caring for each other and Your creation.  Amen.