“They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love”

This song, often sung around a campfire, has been an inspiration to community service for me.  Christ’s teachings have been a part of my life since infancy, and with maturity I have wanted love-inspired service to be an example to the world of what it means to be a Christian.  His teachings and this desire have led me to serve as a Deacon, to volunteer with Hospice patients, and to adopt a family at Christmastime.  More globally it has inspired me to participate in Christian mission work in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Mexico, where I have experienced the humbling rewards that come with this kind of service.  I am proud to be part of the Christian Community and continue to pray that the strength of our belief will increasingly enable us to show forth with our lives that Christianity is synonymous with community service and love.

Dear God,
Let us, as Christians, work towards being examples of Christ’ teachings through our acts of love.