Current Sermon Series

Here at La Jolla Pres., we want to see lives transformed through a relationship with Jesus. One way we witness that is by sharing God’s Story, and equipping you to share His story as well. We strive for sermons that are informative, applicable, inviting and transformative.

Home For Christmas

Frederick Buechner talks about the “home we know” and the “home we dream.” The truth is that most days we live somewhere between both of these places. We are always hoping to find our “true home.” This Advent season we want to talk about what it looks like to be “at home” and the amazing Good News that Jesus has made his “home” amongst us.


Scripture GG Sermon Title Speaker Watch Listen

Genesis 3:1-10, 21-24

Week 1

A Brand-New Home

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Deuteronomy 8:1-11

Week 2

A Home Of Promise

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

John 1:6-14

Week 3

God Makes Himself At Home

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Hebrews 11:13-16

Week 4

A Better And Future Home

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio