Open Our Eyes Sermon Series

Here at La Jolla Pres., we want to see lives transformed through a relationship with Jesus. One way we witness that is by sharing God’s Story, and equipping you to share His story as well. We strive for sermons that are informative, applicable, inviting and transformative.

Welcome to La Jolla Presbyterian Church’s Summer of 2023 Sermon Series! Join us for an inspiring and transformative journey as we dive into three captivating blocks of sermons that will deepen our faith, open our eyes, and reveal God’s perspective on our lives.

Date Scripture Sermon Title Speaker Watch Listen

Mark 6:30-44

No Ordinary Meal

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Luke 19:1-10

Seeing Through The Trees

Jere Lester and Noel Musicha​ Video Audio

Mark 10:17-27

A Look Of Love

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Mark 3:31-35

A Redefining Look

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

John 2:1-11

Do Whatever He Says

Rev. Scott Mitchell Video Audio

John 4:31-38

Time Is Of The Essence

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Matthew 25:31-46

When Did We See You…?

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Luke 9:57-62

Don’t Look Back

Rev. Chad Fransen Video Audio

John 7:28-39

Looking For Jesus

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Mark 3:1-6

A Setup On The Sabbath

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Luke 15:1-10

The God Who Goes Looking

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Matthew 13:44-46

Looking For The Kingdom Of Heaven

Cynthia Blase Video Audio

Acts 1:1-11

One Last Look

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio


Block 2: Open Our Eyes
Throughout the month of July, our focus will be on the transformative theme, “Open Our Eyes.” Together, we will embark on a five-week journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. This series will encourage us to not only seek God’s gaze upon our lives but also to cultivate a deeper awareness of the world around us. Through engaging sermons, thought-provoking discussions, and practical applications, we will be inspired to view ourselves, others, and our communities through the lens of God’s love and compassion.


Scripture Sermon Title Speaker Watch Listen

Hebrews 11:1-3

Seen and Unseen

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Psalm 121

The God Who Sees

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Luke 16:19-31

Seeing The Invisible

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham

Video Audio

Deuteronomy 4:5-14

Don’t Forget What You’ve Seen

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Revelation 22:1-5

What We Will See One Day

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Video Audio

Block 3: Seeing with God’s Perspective
As we enter the final portion of our Summer of 2023 Sermon Series, we will continue to be enriched by the wisdom and experiences of a variety of voices. This month will provide an opportunity for diverse voices to share their unique perspectives, enriching our understanding of God’s character and work in the world. Each week, we will explore different themes expanding our spiritual horizons and deepening our connection to God.


Scripture Sermon Title Speaker Watch Listen

Psalm 145:8-21

With Open Hands

Rev. Paula Taylor Video Audio

Luke 9:21-27 and Genesis 32

Wrestling With God 

Rev. Chad Fransen Video Audio

Matthew 11:1-10

What Have You Seen?

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham

Video Audio

Ephesians 2:1-10

Jesus, who do you say I am?

Cynthia Blase Video Audio

Genesis 50:15-21

The Staggering Genius of Joseph’s Calamity

Rev. Scott Mitchell Video Audio

We invite you to join us for this transformative summer series as we seek to be seen by God and open our eyes to the things that God sees. Together, let’s grow in faith, expand our perspectives, and be inspired to live out God’s calling in our lives. Stay tuned for more details on each sermon and guest speaker in the coming weeks. We look forward to sharing this meaningful journey with you!